What to eat and when

The first meets of the season are right around the corner, and you don’t always know what to eat before, during and after a physical effort? Here are a few tips to help you know what to eat and when.


Before training

3–4hours before: a complete and balanced meal

2 hours before: a filling snack loaded with carbohydrates and proteins (a fruit with nuts or yogurt, a home-made muffin with a glass of milk, a piece of bread with peanut butter, etc.)

Less than 1 hour before: a carbs-rich snack that you’ll digest easily (fruits, yogurt, granola bar, etc.)


During training

Training of 1h30 or less: drink a lot of water to stay hydrated. If training is intense and over an hour, you can drink a sports drink to keep your energy level up.

Training of more than 1h30: it’s important to stay hydrated by drinking water and possibly a sports drink. Take small breaks to eat small carbs-rich snacks that are easy to digest. These will allow you to keep your energy level up until the end.


After training

Training of 1h30 or less: eating a snack is generally recommended, but it’s not necessary, especially if your next meal is soon (less than 1 hour).

Training of more than 1h30: if your next training is in less than 24 hours, it’s important to eat something with carbs and proteins less than 30 minutes after the end of your training to facilitate recovery. If your next training is in more than 24 hours, you can eat something or not, as you wish.

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