Signing or logging in to the MSC website
Masters Swimming Canada now uses the same sign in (user name and password) that is used to sign into the Swimming Canada website. For information on how to sign in, please check with your club or provincial registrar.
Million Metre Challenge
The top 5 clubs in the Million Metre Challenge for January 2018 were:
1 | Halifax Chronos Masters SC | 1,193,350m |
2 | Maîtres Pointe-Claire | 801,450m |
3 | Regina Masters Swim Club | 589,445m |
4 | CAMO Natation | 481,125m |
5 | Westmount YMCA Maîtres Nageurs | 453,995m |
**please note swimmers have 30 days from the end of the month to enter metres so totals are subject to change until that time.**
For a full list of results please visit your homepage and click on the MMC icon. You can sort for any month, year, by teams or by province. For more info on how to find the exact list you are looking for please contact Wade James.
The top 5 Swimmers in the Million Metre Challenge for December 2017 were:
1 | Pierre Veilleux | 174,600m | Unattached Québec (QC) |
2 | Patricia Grant | 136,150m | Halifax Chronos Masters (NS) |
3 | Linda Hunt | 130,600m | Halifax Chronos Masters (NS) |
4 | Robert Landriault | 129,100m | Natation Gatineau (QC) |
5 | Andrea D'Allesio | 112,200m | Sackville Masters (NS) |
For a full list of results visit your homepage, click on the MMC icon. You can sort and search by month, year, province, age group or team. If you are searching for just individual swimmers make sure you click "no" where it says sort by club. If you have any issues finding what you need, contact Wade James.
The Timed 10
The Timed 10 is a program designed to show and compare your improvement and results over the season, therefore we will not be ranking or showing peoples' distances compared to others in order to not make this a competition or a race against other people. You may have the largest margin or percentage of improvement and yet be much slower or faster than the next person. Therefore only judge you by you... a good motto in life and swimming. You can view everyone results by clicking on the Timed 10 icon on your homepage. Just remember we are all starting our swimming careers at different stages.
Check-off Challenge News
Congratulations to Helene Jacques of CMNQ who completed all 18 swimming events in competitions last year.